Bail Bonds and Big Balloons

TBT (one day late) — this picture was taken in 1995, when I had a BIG advertising idea — why not get a giant balloon to advertise Bail House Bail Bonds on the side lot next to my bail bond business in Auburn.  Everything went well, until Placer County got involved and MADE me take...

Bail Bonds and Protective Parents

Thanks Mom: Mommy Turns Narc to Save Her Daughter Friday, January 23, 2015 Today’s Bail Bond blog post is not about a bail bondsman bailing someone out of jail, but rather about a mom getting her own daughter thrown in jail. A mother in New York did the unthinkable last year when he called the...

Happy New Year!


January 1, 2015November 11, 2021by

New Year’s Eve and Bail Bonds

Enjoy your New Year’s Eve but please be safe and call a cab if you have had too many libations.  Better to be safe than sorry.

December 31, 2014December 31, 2014by

Bail Bonds and New Year’s Eve

Hello Everyone, tomorrow is New Year’s Eve, enjoy ringing in the New Year with family and friends, but be careful and have a designated driver.  We hope that you won’t need a bail bond to start off your new year, but if for some reason you do, we’ll be here 24/7. Frank Calabretta’s Bail House...

December 30, 2014November 20, 2021by

Santa Claus and Bail Bonds

Here comes Santa Claus, here comes Santa Claus.  Merry Christmas from Frank Calabretta’s Bail House Bail Bonds.

December 25, 2014December 25, 2014by

Winter Begins

Winter is here!  Happy Winter Solstice.  

December 21, 2014December 21, 2014by

Pearl Harbor Day

Happy Pearl Harbor Day.  Let us never forget those who sacrificed the ultimate for our freedom.

December 16, 2014December 16, 2014by

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving!  Today let’s be thankful for our many blessings, big and small.  Today I am thankful for living in beautiful Placer County.

November 27, 2014November 27, 2014by