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Everything You Need to Know About Bail Bonds in Placer County, CA

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Handcuff Criminal Courts & Bail Bonds

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What to Do: Placer County Arrest Warrant

Protection by The Fourth Amendment

The Fourth Amendment of the Constitution of the United...

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Placer County Bail Bond Schedules

Placer County Bail Standards

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Immunity in Exchange for Testimony: What you Should Know

The fifth amendment to the United States Constitution guarantees that “no person… shall be...
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Jail Overcrowding & Bail Bonds

Jail overcrowding is a topic that has been in the news a lot lately, especially in California....

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6 Actions that Could Put You Back in Jail, While out on Bail

Avoiding Jail after you’ve Posted Bail

Spending time in jail isn’t fun, to say the least,...

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How Fast Can You Get Out of Jail with 24 Hour Bail Bonds?

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed when arrested and booked in jail and many people feel they...

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Bail Bonds & Drunk Man

This is one way to not get arrested for a DUI and not need a bail bond — call the cops for a ride...

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Traffic and Speeding Laws in California

Summertime means more road trips and traveling for vacation, but more time on the road can put...
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Where Does Your Money Go When You Post Bail?

Bail is a term we often hear in the context of the legal system, but most people don’t fully...

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