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Everything You Need to Know About Bail Bonds in Placer County, CA

Bounty Hunters vs. Bail Bondsmen – Is There a Difference?

The terms “bounty hunter” and “bail bondsman” are often used interchangeably by people, but they...

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How Does Misdemeanor Bail Reform Affect the Rule of Law? Focus on Harris County

Harris County in Texas recently implemented bail reforms in a bid to improve public safety and...

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Out of State Arrest Warrants: What You Should Know

The thought of getting arrested, having a warrant in your name, or turning yourself in to the...
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How Does Bail Work In California?

Most people have only heard of bail bonds through television ads and news reports. If you have ever...

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What Does Double Jeopardy in California Mean?

The prosecution process can feel emotionally and financially overwhelming. Luckily, the robust...
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CA Public Intoxication Laws (Drunk in Public)

Public Intoxication California Penal Code

Placer County residents may think that they...

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What Constitutes a Felony DUI in California?

The crime of driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol can result in a felony DUI if the...
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Googling Yourself for Googlesake!

Now again, I have to advise everyone that I an 75 years young and am just starting to get the hang...

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Bail Bonds for Common White Collar Crimes

Being arrested doesn’t just occur in the case of commonly heard about crimes such as robbery,...
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Smoking and Driving – What are the Risks?

It’s well established that driving while intoxicated from drinking alcohol can have a hugely...
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